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Novice Powerlifting - Where It All Starts!

The great thing about our sport is the inclusivity and low barrier to entry. Literally anyone can have a go! All that actually matters is you ante up, get on the platform and have a crack.⁣

We talk to and work with a lot of new lifters and since we first opened our gym we've been holding regular Novice Competitions - at the moment we run 4 a year.⁣

The word "Novice" can be confusing for some. It has absolutely nothing to do with how strong you are and more about your experience in the sport itself. If you have never competed or have little experience you would be considered a novice lifter - and it's ok! So many people are in a rush these days. Put the brakes on a bit, enjoy learning, master the art of competing, understand the sport, learn the rules and get experience on the platform.⁣

We place a lot of importance on the Novice Competitions we hold at the gym. We want new lifters to have a fantastic experience so they opt in to the sport long term. It's the novice lifers of today that become the elite lifters of tomorrow and we are always on the lookout for emerging talent.⁣

One important component of these competitions is that new lifters get to experience what REAL Powerlifting would be like at a sanctioned competition like the GPC or APL (both of which we host here at the gym). For those of you that have been or competed at our venue, it really is something special and we're very lucky to have the setup we do and to provide such a high standard of competition. Some people tell us it's the best in the world, but we'll let you be the judge.⁣

If you want to experience Powerlifting in all it's glory at a purpose designed venue then jump in to one of our Novice Powerlifting Competitions. You will find the upcoming events on our FB page at⁣

For any questions on competing, coaching or anything Powerlifting get in touch!

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Johan Delport
Johan Delport
Nov 17, 2021

Can't wait to compete in my first comp. Been training for many years, now it is time....

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