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2018 Annual Christmas Party and Awards Night

Writer's picture: Paul RucciPaul Rucci

Each year we acknowledge some of the team with awards, in a variety of categories. It’s a special night where we celebrate together as a team the year gone by.

Below are the award categories and winners. Congrats to all of them, all very much deserved.

Most Improved Lifter Awarded to a lifter who has shown significant overall improvement in their lifting. Someone who also represents Rucci’s Gym in the highest standard and gives back to the sport.

Awarded to: Kerry Lee Kerry has been a member since May 2017 and when she first came in, she was nervous, but eager. Dan has been working with Kerry since then as her coach and her progress has been unreal. She’s competed in 6 meets already including two Perth Cups, a State Championship and recently broke the 400kg mark totalling 407.5kg at TJMES going 8 from 9 on the day. Congratulations Kerry.

The Lazarus Lazarus was a guy who came back from the dead. This award is to acknowledge a lifter who has overcome obstacles and injury to get back on the platform and excel.

Awarded to: Dale Smith Dale suffered some shoulder issues after GPC States this year which resulted in an acromioplasty on his shoulder. He spent the appropriate time with Paul, rehabbed and transitioned his way back to full health to then PB total 812.5kg at Perth Cup and is now looking ridiculously strong going in to the 2019 season.

Injuries are a part of the sport and how Dale dealt with it, recovered, and excelled, makes him a class act. Congrats Dale.

Most Potential This award goes to a lifter who’s a quiet achiever, does their business without too much fuss and in our opinion has a big potential in the sport.

Awarded to: Liam Mcguckin While so many of our members have so much potential, we don’t think anyone would argue that Liam shows a true potential that even he doesn’t yet realise. He’s 19 years old. Weighs 110kg. Has the stature. Has the attitude and the work ethic. Liam recently went 672.5kg going 9 from 9 at TJMES and with more in the tank. Look out for Liam in the coming years. Congrats Liam.

Members Choice The members choice is an award that is voted by our members. Each year we ask our members to nominate someone in the club and to provide a valid reason. In some ways this award is the most special because winners are nominated by their peers.

Awarded to: Amanda Brown “I’d like to vote for Amanda Brown for the members choice club person award, as she is an absolute ray of sunshine!:) From the moment I first came to PTC she was ever so warm, welcoming and helpful! She adds so much to the gym atmosphere with her bubbly friendly disposition. Moreover she’s always returning misplaced equipment to its rightful spot, cleaning up, cracking jokes and chatting to everyone in an open non-judgemental way. I think she really brightens a lot of people’s days and adds a lot to your club and she doesn’t do it for recognition, she just does it because she’s a beautiful giving person, as evidenced by how much work she puts into keeping the place looking top notch, especially when no one is looking! I think she is a special girl who gives back to Rucci’s gym in whatever way she can!:) “

Awarded to: Paul Thomas “He has put in endless hours of becoming the man behind the voice of the live streams. Paul is such a great commentator and is making these events even more next level.”

Congrats to Amanda and Paul!

Club Person of the Year The person who wins this award represents the best of the best of our club members. If Rucci’s Gym were a colour, they’d bleed that colour. They are fanatics in every sense of the word. They represent and hold Rucci’s Gym and our reputation in the highest regard and are the first to defend it, if and when necessary.

Awarded to: Taylor Chapman Taylor has been with us since v1 and when he first came to the gym, he was a young cocky smart ass. Not much has changed. (That’s a joke in case you missed it) But, Taylor has grown to become a man in the time he has been here and he has a love and passion for the gym someone who wins this award would be expected to have. Taylor is always one of the first to put up his hand to volunteer at comps, he’s the first to defend the gym and no word of a lie he is the first to ever like a post on social media. Congrats Taylor and thank you for showing us all what it means to be a true Club man.

Rucci’s Top Master We have a fair few masters here at Rucci’s Gym and honestly, they’re all awesome in their own way. Our top master is awarded to a person who’s been plugging away at this for years, who’s never given up and no matter the obstacle, always manages to push through and get back on to the platform. They’re also an incredible ambassador for the club, for Powerlifting and for masters lifting.

Awarded to: Dani Pearsall Dani has been with us almost since we opened the doors to the gym and has been a person many have confided in for support whether that be lifting or personal. She’s been an ambassador and a woman that others look up to and are inspired by. Thank you, Dani, for your years of fortitude. Congratulations on this award.

Rucci’s Top Junior The juniors coming through in the sport are literally getting ridiculous. They are the up and coming lifters of the future and as a club we need to embrace and nurture their development to see them through and help them reach their potential. The top junior award is being awarded to a lifter for their exceptional performance and growth over the years.

Awarded to: Brian Cook Brian has been with us since v1. We’re glad he chose our gym to start his journey because today we acknowledge Brian who’s grown as not just a lifter, but as a person. His work ethic and dedication to his lifting is unparalleled and is reflected in his performances and growth. He recently bridged the gap to his first 800kg total going 790kg at 90kg at TJMES. Congrats Brian.

The Adam Coe Award for Outstanding Performance An award that is presented to an individual who has shown outstanding performance in an area of their lifting. The winner of this award truly displays qualities and performance worthy of the word outstanding.

Awarded to: Yianni Magouilias Yianni is an individual. He doesn’t care what anyone thinks. He speaks his mind. He’s loved. Sometimes hated. But, he’s respected. His growth since he started with us so many years ago has been exceptional. He’s a truly gifted lifter and shines when it comes to game day.

We are awarding the Adam Coe Award for Outstanding Performance to Yianni not for one individual performance, but for many. Since 2012 he’s done 21 meets, that’s 3.5 meets per year. In 2012 he totalled 462.5kg, this year he totalled 750kg with a best squat of 275kg, best bench of 167.5kg and a best deadlift of 315kg. He’s totalled 700kg plus not once or twice, but seven times. His 315kg deadlift at this years GPC States had everyone standing on their feet and cheering and was one of our most viewed lifts ever on social media.

Yianni is a true competitor and an incredible ambassador for Rucci’s Gym and the sport. Congrats Greek.

Club Champions Our mens and ladies club champions have excelled this year. Every comp they have stepped it up and display true champion qualities. They represent Rucci’s Gym to the highest standard on the platform.

Awarded to: Rait Sagor

2018 GPC WA Mens State Champion

2018 GPC WA Mens Perth Cup Champion

2018 GPC Nats – 950.5kg @ 99.8kg – 358/217.5/375Australian

GPC Records and GPC World Records

All time Australian 100kg mens record

Beats the all-time Australian 110kg mens record (930kg)

GPC Triple Crown potential in 2019

Awarded to: Michelle Hewlett

2018 GPC WA Ladies Runner-Up State Champion

2018 GPC WA Ladies Perth Cup Champion

2018 GPC Nats 56kg Bronze medalist

2018 Perth Cup – 410kg @ 55.57kg going 9 from 9Lightest ever female to total 400kg plus here at Rucci’s Gym On track to win the GPC Triple Crown in 2019

GPC Triple Crown potential in 2019

Competing at the KERN US OPEN in 2019

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