We're not going to go in to the specific purposes of water in the body as there is plenty of material on the internet you can read. More-so we wanted to re-iterate the importance of staying hydrated, dehydration signs and some ideas on how to stay hydrated every day.
Your body is made up of about 60% water and is essential for sustaining bodily processes that support life. So needless to say you need to be drinking it! I know, "Captain Obvious" here.
We're not going to go in to the specific purposes of water in the body as there is plenty of material on the internet you can read. Moreso we wanted to re-iterate the importance of staying hydrated, dehydration signs and some ideas on how to stay hydrated every day.
In terms of the recommended daily dose of water, 2-litres per day is the going rate but that can vary based on certain lifestyle factors, including training.
Mild dehydration is fairly common and can result in symptoms such as feeling thirsty, a dry mouth, dark-coloured urine, dry skin, fatigue and dizziness. The most common measure used is the colour of your urine - the darker the more dehydrated you are so aim to get it to a light yellow colour.
If you are struggling to get enough water in you'll need to create some good habits. Some ideas include starting the day with a glass of water, carry a reusable bottle with you, set reminders on your phone, replacing other drinks you'd normally have with water, use an app to track your consumption and have a glass each time you go to the bathroom. You can get creative but find what works for you and stick to it daily, make it a ritual.
Water. Very common in most populated areas yet we still seem to completely fail at providing an adequate amount for your bodies.
Do your body a favor and get it in to ya!